Frequently Asked Questions

On this page, you’ll find frequently asked questions and answers about the Growin service. If you don’t see a question you’re looking for, please reach out to us through our contact form.
Who is the app meant for?

Growin is mainly aimed at active athletes who want to get better at their sport.
People below the age of 13 are not allowed to use the app. 

What do I need to use it?

You will need an iPhone or an Android smartphone to use Growin.

Does it cost money to use?

All features during the early access are free to use.

Can I make practice and match logs private?

Yes, you can keep logs private.

Is it possible to only share practice and match logs with my teammates?

Currently, you can choose public (visible to all Growin users) or private (only visible to you) for each section of the logs.
Going forward, we will take your feedback into account for new features.

Can I not use my real name?

Yes, you can use nicknames for your profile.

How can I join the early access?

Please go to our top page (getgrowin.app) and click the “Join Early Access” button to add our official LINE account as a friend.
You will receive a message from the LINE account to fill out a form. Please fill that form out.
Once the app is ready, you will receive a message regarding the release through the LINE account.

What happens after early access?

After the early access period, you will be able to use the official public version of the app.
All data stored during the early access will be migrated to the official public version.

Can I share this with friends who are athletes?

Yes, and please do! In that case, please have your friends add the official LINE account and fill out and send the early access form through the account.

For questions, please reach out to us through our contact form here