Terms of Service

Growin Service-Specific Terms

The following terms apply to the Growin app and the services provided through the app (“Growin”). Your use of and access to Growin and the services provided through Growin is subject to the Fujitsu Launchpad Terms of Service (the “Terms of Service”) as well as the following additional Growin-specific terms (the “Specific Terms”).  

These Specific Terms take effect when you create an account on Growin and consent to the Terms of Service and these Specific Terms in the process. All capitalized terms used herein but not defined shall have the meaning set forth in the Terms of Service. In the event of a conflict between these Specific Terms and the Terms of Service, these Specific Terms shall control.

Your Account

To create a Growin account and to the services provided through Growin, you must be at least 13 years old and accept the Terms of Service and these Specific Terms (together, the “Terms”). Further, if you are under the age of majority in your country of residence, you must use Growin and the services provided through Growin under the supervision of your parent, legal guardian, or legal representative who consents to be bound by the Terms. 

By creating an account on Growin, you represent and warrant, and if you are under the age of majority, your parent, legal guardian, or legal representative also represents and warrants, that you are over 13 years old and you (together with your parent, legal guardian or legal representative, if applicable) have reviewed the Terms and understand all your rights and obligations under the Terms, and consent to be bound by these Terms. If you mislead us and create a Growin account by representing yourself as a person who has reached the age of majority or by accepting these Terms without your parent, legal guardian, or legal representative’s consent, you will still be bound by these Terms and all the rights and obligations under these Terms will apply in full force and effect and cannot be revoked. 

Your use of Growin

At Growin, we strive to ensure that all users have a positive experience while using the app. This means that all our users are required to follow some basic rules when using the app, including when users upload content, create posts, or interact with other users or their content. In addition to the rules listed in the Terms of Service, you must comply with the following rules. 

  • You cannot impersonate another person, create an account using someone else’s name, or post content or create posts while assuming the identity of another person. 
  • You cannot post content that identifies another person or post their private information unless you have their consent. 
  • If you post sponsored content, you must follow our sponsored content guidelines below. 
  • You cannot create multiple accounts, sell or offer to sell your account, or buy or offer to buy another person’s account. 

While we expect all our users to respect and follow our rules, you may come across content that you think might violate these rules. If you see something that you think violates our rules, please help us by reporting these violations. You can contact us by using the Contact Us option in the Growin app or via https://getgrowin.app/contact.

Growin is a community-based app; we don’t control what other people do or say, and we are not responsible for their (or your) actions or conduct (whether online or offline) or content (including unlawful or objectionable content). We are also not responsible for any services and products offered by third parties (including by other users) that you choose to access or use. We cannot and do not guarantee that these third-party services and products are safe or appropriate, so we urge all users to be careful when interacting with other users, their content, or any services or products offered, promoted, or linked by other users. 

Changes to Growin

We are constantly improving Growin and may add, modify, or remove features and functionalities at any time in connection with these improvements. Currently, users may use Growin and the basic services provided through Growin free of charge but we reserve the right to start charging a fee to use Growin in the future. If we decide to begin charging a fee for the use of Growin, we will provide you with reasonably advance notice of the changes. If you do not wish to accept the changes, you can cancel your account and cease using Growin before the changes take effect.


When you create your Growin account, you will be asked if you would like to receive promotional or marketing emails, messages, or other communications. If you opted in to receive promotional or marketing emails or other communications, you agree that we may send you promotional or marketing communications via the Growin app, to your email, or through other methods of communication. Further, by using Growin and the services provided on Growin, you acknowledge that we can show you ads that other people, businesses, or organizations pay us to promote on Growin. We use your personal information, such as information about activities, location, and interests, to show you ads that are more relevant to you. We will not sell or provide any of your personally identifiable information to advertisers. For more information on how we use your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy. 


“Growin”, the “Growin” logo, and other Growin-related trademarks and service marks and other logos and products and service names are trademarks of Growin. You shall not copy, use or display in any manner such trademarks and service marks without the prior written consent of Growin. 

Changes to Specific Terms

We reserve the right to update these Specific Terms at any time and for any reason in our sole discretion. Any time we make changes to these Specific Terms, we will make the latest version available on our website and in the Growin app. If we make any material changes to these Specific Terms that may affect your rights and obligations, we will ask you to agree to the updated Specific Terms the next time you open the Growin app or log in to your account. If you do not agree to the changes, you may cease using Growin and/or delete your account.

Support and Questions

If you have any questions regarding these Specific Terms, please contact us via https://getgrowin.app/contact.

Past Growin Specific Terms Versions

You can find and access all prior versions of our Specific Terms by clicking the links below.