



Share insights, join a motivated community, improve.


Improve Sports Intelligence

Make sports journaling a habit with Growin. Improve your sports intelligence through consistent reflection and deliberate practice.

Improve Performance

Growin is a place where athletes can come together and share their journeys in a safe space. Connect with other like-minded athletes. Ask questions. Learn from each other’s insights. Get better at getting better.

Key Features


Freely and easily record anything related to sports.

Look back

Go back through your posts and videos in a single timeline.


Share your insights with other athletes, and learn from theirs.

What Our Users are Saying About Growin

I’ve always journaled and reflected on practice, thinking about what I can improve on during the next session. This process has translated to my current work.

Shodai Yamada
Former member of Japan’s National Cricket Team

Being able to connect with other athletes in the same sport or position, and sharing training insights is exciting and motivating.

Juo Kado
Japan National Team for Low Vision Futsal

I'm hoping that Growin can connect athletes, current and former, and become a beacon of light for sports in Japan.

Masaru Yamada
2020 Tokyo Olympics Gold Medalist in Fencing

There’s only so much you can do alone. But if you can connect with people beyond your sport, you can do more. Growin is where you can go beyond your limits.

Hayato Suzuki
Sports Mental Coach

I’ve always journaled and reflected on practice, thinking about what I can improve on during the next session. This process has translated to my current work.

Shodai Yamada
Former member of Japan’s National Cricket Team

Being able to connect with other athletes in the same sport or position, and sharing training insights is exciting and motivating.

Juo Kado
Japan National Team for Low Vision Futsal

I'm hoping that Growin can connect athletes, current and former, and become a beacon of light for sports in Japan.

Masaru Yamada
2020 Tokyo Olympics Gold Medalist in Fencing

There’s only so much you can do alone. But if you can connect with people beyond your sport, you can do more. Growin is where you can go beyond your limits.

Hayato Suzuki
Sports Mental Coach




Join Growin, and go beyond your limits.